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What Are Ways to Reduce Stress? 28 Stress Relaxation Techniques


What Are Ways to Reduce Stress? 28 Stress Relaxation Techniques

While you can’t always avoid stressful situations, here are 28 tips and relaxation techniques that can help you manage and reduce stress

Chronic stress can be harmful to your health and raise your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, depression, and other conditions. While you can’t always avoid stressful situations, here are 28 tips and relaxation techniques that can help you manage and reduce stress.

28 ways to reduce stress

  1. Enjoy nature: According to one study, people who took 90-minute walks in nature had lower levels of rumination (repetitive negative thoughts) than those who walked through a city.  Make time to take a walk, hike, or bike through nature. Being outside and staying active can help you feel refreshed and cope with stress.
  2. Keep a journal: When you are stressed or overwhelmed, it can be easy to wallow in negative thoughts without even being aware of it. Journaling can help you be more aware of what is happening and allow you to acknowledge and confront your feelings. This can help you let out negativity as well as find potential solutions to your problems. When we are stressed and experience unpleasant emotions, we tend to stay in our thoughts and do nothing to confront our thinking.
  3. Manage your time: For many people, stress is often caused by poor planning. When you let too many tasks pile up, you may find that everything eventually catches up to you and leaves you overwhelmed. You can avoid this by planning ahead and prioritizing difficult tasks early in the day, week, or month so that you don’t have to worry about them looming over your head.
  4. Set boundaries: Whether you are working from home or in the office, it is important to set boundaries. Allowing work to infiltrate your personal life can make you feel exhausted and on edge, making it difficult to fully focus on either sphere of your life.
  5. Stay active: According to many studies, exercise can reduce anxiety and help you cope better with stress, both in the short term and the long term.
  6. Take breaks: Studies have shown that people who take annual vacations have better health, less stress, more energy, enhanced sex drive, abd higher productivity. Taking breaks and enjoying time off from daily stressors can help you relax, reset, and refresh.
  7. Chew gum: Researchers discovered that chewing gum while multitasking under stressful settings reduces stress and anxiety. Chewing gum lowers cortisol levels and increases alertness and performance. While it’s unclear how this works, researchers believe that chewing gum improves blood flow to the brain, which has a significant effect on your emotions.
  8. Get enough sleep: Sleep has a huge impact on your mental health. According to several studies, lack of sleep can worsen stress and anxiety and in some cases even lead to full-blown anxiety disorders.
  9. Practice deep breathing: Deep, regulated breathing from the diaphragm combats many of the physiological symptoms that occur when you are under stress. Experts recommend sitting or resting comfortably with your eyes closed, inhaling deeply through your nose, and counting slowly for 10 seconds.
  10. Play with a pet: Spending time or cuddling with your pet can release feel-good hormones in your brain and lower stress levels. 
  11. Avoid perfectionism: If you have perfectionistic tendencies, chances are you may stress yourself out trying to meet extremely high standards. This can lead to anxiety, depression, and feelings of worthlessness. Instead of striving for perfection, strive for excellence.
  12. Meditate: Practicing mindfulness and meditation can help you learn how to focus on the present with an open and accepting mind, which can help reduce stress and calm your mind.
  13. Practice yoga: Yoga emphasizes the use of various relaxation practices, such as meditation, deep breathing, and other techniques to destress.
  14. Use aromatherapy: Studies have shown that certain scents can improve mood and increase mental alertness. For example, lavender can reduce stress, peppermint can boost focus, and other essential oils can relax the mind.
  15. Listen to music: According to researchers, certain types of music have quantifiable stress-reduction effects in some people. Music is even utilized as a therapeutic tool in the treatment of various disorders. Although the scientific basis is unclear, the so-called “Mozart effect” can make you feel more centered and lower your stress levels.
  16. Laugh: Laughing stimulates your heart, lungs, and muscles by increasing your intake of oxygen-rich air, and it also releases endorphins that make you feel good. Laughing has also been shown to boost immunity, ease pain, improve mood, and reduce anxiety.
  17. Get a massage: According to some studies, 45-60 minutes of massage can reduce heart rate by more than 10 beats per minute, lower blood pressure, and promote the release of serotonin. Getting a massage on a regular basis can keep stress hormone levels under control and help you feel more relaxed.
  18. Have sex: Sex is beneficial to both the mind and body. Many people report experiencing a stronger sense of well-being and less stress after having sex.
  19. Practice visualization techniques: Visualizing yourself in a peaceful atmosphere can promote serenity and relaxation.
  20. Perform progressive muscle relaxation: Progressive muscle relaxation is a technique that involves tightening and then relaxing each of the muscles in your body in a gradual way, starting from your head to your toes. This can help promote a sense of calm in your mind and body.
  21. Try hypnosis: Some experts claim that hypnosis can have a positive effect on people who have experienced long-term stress and burnout.
  22. Biofeedback: By paying attention to your body, you can learn to relax and manage your response to stress.
  23. Eat healthy: Nutritious food fuels both your body and mind. Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to make sure you are providing your body with enough nutrients.
  24. Drink herbal tea: Chamomile or mint tea can have positive effects on the body, and drinking a warm cup is a great way to start or end your day.
  25. Learn a new hobby: Trying something new can help keep your mind engaged in something enjoyable. Try taking an art lesson or learning to play a musical instrument.
  26. Talk to a friend or family member: Simply talking to someone you trust about your issues or struggles can help you vent and ease stress.
  27. Join a support group: Support groups allow you to talk about your feelings with others who understand and share your experiences.
  28. Talk to a professional: Talking to a therapist about what you are going through can be helpful. They can help you identify stressors and teach you effective coping strategies. 

What are signs and symptoms of stress?

Although stress affects everyone differently, there are common symptoms to be aware of:

If you experience these symptoms for an extended period of time and they are interfering with your daily life, talk to your doctor.

What are the benefits of managing stress?

Learning how to effectively handle stress is critical for your long-term health and well-being:

  • Stronger immune system: Stress weakens the immune system, making you more prone to sickness. Learning how to manage or reduce your stress can help you strengthen your immunity.
  • Healthy weight maintenance: When you are stressed, it is easy to overeat or reach for fatty, sugary foods that give you instant gratification. Stress management techniques can help you control your cravings and avoid junk food.
  • Better sleep: Stress makes it harder to sleep because it releases too much adrenaline into the bloodstream, causing muscle tightness. Relaxation techniques can encourage the release of endorphins, which promote sleep.
  • Improved mood: Stress can make you grumpy. Learning how to manage your stress levels can help you feel balanced and avoid being irritable or grumpy.


17 Everyday Ways to Ease Depression See Slideshow

Medically Reviewed on 4/4/2022


Image Source: iStock Images

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