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Readers respond: Gun ownership rights require rules


I was disheartened to read of the legal challenge following the passage of Measure 114, (“Oregon’s gun control Measure 114 subject of emergency motion filed in federal court,” Nov. 24).

The Oregon Firearms Federation, Sherman County sheriff and the gun store owner who are challenging the constitutionality of the measure argue that it does nothing to prevent violent gun deaths. However, in a number of egregious mass shootings, lives were saved when the shooter needed to stop and reload. Additionally, around 81% of gun deaths in Oregon are from suicide. Despite the concerted focus on prevention decreasing suicide rates in Oregon, we continue to rank near the top in the nation, being 13th in 2020. Guns continue to be the most lethal means of suicide.

It is a constitutional right to own firearms. But it is not an infringement that such a right comes with rules and responsibilities. As a parent and grandparent, I do not know how we look at children who have lost friends, family and community and who will carry ripple effects for a lifetime, and then impart a message that the adults (who are charged with their protection) do not want to be inconvenienced.

Children practicing active shooter drills is not a solution. Instead, it underscores our abdication. The passage of Measure 114 by so narrow a margin in not the correct message for our children. I am thankful my grandchildren are too young to understand percentages.

Miriam Green, Portland

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