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Readers respond: Appalling errors in Medicaid system


I was appalled and dismayed by the article on Medicaid applications and the dramatic negative effect the ONE application had on three older people needing help. (“Oregon Medicaid applicants erroneously denied benefits due to software glitches, lack of training,” Aug. 6)

I am an older person who worked for the state of Oregon and Multnomah County to assist seniors and people with disabilities to receive the services they need. We went out to people’s homes to assess their needs and help them regain a quality of life. Now it appears that the goal of the state and possibly county is to use a cookie-cutter approach for the lives of people in need.

People requiring Medicaid assistance for long-term care should not have to hire an attorney to get what they need and deserve. Where are the people who come to a person’s door to help? Where are the decision makers who need to make changes to allow staffers to help? This is intolerable. People deserve a home visit and assistance in completing the paperwork. It is hard enough to have medical and other challenges without being denied what a person is qualified for.

Politicians and administrators: Please heed the cry for help and make changes.

Sherry Willmschen, Portland

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