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Icier Minnesota winters mean more slips, slides and falls


Have you been slipping and sliding on the ice over the last few days? Well, you can expect more of that slippery stuff underfoot.

The climate crisis means Minnesota winters are getting icier.

Average winter temperatures have risen more than five degrees since the 1970s, and that means snow on the ground is more likely to melt and refreeze as ice when temperatures inch above and then drop below the freezing point, again and again.

These thaw and freeze cycles affect everything from snow cover and lake ice to the maple syrup season, which insects survive until spring and how much ice forms on our roads and sidewalks.

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Coming up at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, MPR News host Angela Davis talks about Minnesota’s warming winters, how we can adapt to more ice and tips on preventing falls.

And I want to hear from you too.  

If you’ve lived in Minnesota for most of your life, do recent winters seem more icy to you? What specifically have you noticed? If you’ve fallen on ice, tell us about it. And, how are you changing your habits to cope with icy roads and sidewalks? Do you have ideas for footgear, better ways to clear sidewalks or tips on how to fall?  

Call 651-227-6000 or 800-242-2828 during the 9 a.m. hour.  


Subscribe to the MPR News with Angela Davis podcast on: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify or RSS.  



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