This could be the last year we celebrate the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, the case that established our constitutional right to abortion in the U.S. The days of legal and accessible abortion across the country are numbered. If the Supreme Court overturns Roe this summer, about 36 million people could lose access to abortion. That’s nearly half of the nation’s people who can become pregnant.
When I had an abortion 11 years ago, it was a pretty uneventful process. I knew I didn’t want to be pregnant, so I made an appointment at a Planned Parenthood health center. I acknowledge my privilege in this situation. I am a white cisgender woman and had support from my friends and financial support from Planned Parenthood. Many people have trouble accessing abortion care because of socioeconomic factors as well as racism and transphobia in the medical industry.
My abortion experience was life-changing. After my abortion, I started volunteering as a clinic escort and became deeply involved in reproductive justice. Abortion is common and normal. You call the doctor, you have the procedure, and life goes on. Not enough people hear about these situations that are actually pretty boring. Abortion doesn’t need to be a dramatic escapade or a huge conversation to be valid. Abortion is essential health care and shouldn’t be politicized.
Lindsay Cogan, Portland
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