Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura is launching his own brand of cannabis edibles.
Ventura is partnering with Columbia Heights-based Retro Bakery, which is producing hemp-derived THC edibles under the Jesse Ventura Farms brand.
Ventura, a longtime advocate of legalizing marijuana, testified in favor of the adult-use cannabis bill at the Legislature and was with Gov. Tim Walz when he signed it last year.
Ventura has said the drug helped his wife Terry get her seizures under control and alluded to that in his product launch video.
“Cannabis saved my family’s life, and now it’s time for me to return to the cannabis world,” he said in the video.
Retro Bakery said the Ventura-branded edibles will be available for pre-order on Monday, with a launch party at the Hook & Ladder in Minneapolis on April 20.
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